We’ve been advised to get into facebook. Should we set up a Facebook profile, page or a group?
A profile is for an individual, so it’s not a great idea to set up a profile for a company or brand. Groups were started by Facebook to enable people meeting about a specific topic to share thoughts etc.
To enable brands and companies to set up their own space, Facebook created pages. A page is different from a group. It’s recognised as a brand from the start – a group could be masquerading slightly!
With Pages there are more applications available and Visa is developing a back office system. See www.facebook.com/business/?pages
Groups do have certain advantages; groups can be secret, open or by invitation only. Pages are open to everyone and that means people can post negative as well as positive information! If it’s abusive, report it to Facebook.
We recommend setting up your own personal profile in Facebook and then establishing a page for your company, organisation or the brand you represent.Labels: facebook, facebook groups, landing pages