A status update on LinkedIn is a way of sharing news with your connections or making an announcement.
Here are a few ideas for status updates
- Tell people what you are working on eg I'm researching the housing market
- Promote your expertise eg My book Quick Win Digital Marketing is now available to buy writing see http://www.oaktreepress.com/Ecom1/library3.nsf/CatalogByTitle/30F2BDB18EF8B31C802576560054F41E!OpenDocument
- Promote events / open days /new services or products eg Just launched new range of t-shirts for the summer
- Ask opinions or advice from your connections
- Add promotions eg free webinar on how to create a great LinkedIn profile, book now!
- Post your tweet by adding #in to it and it will appear in your LinkedIn status
- Let your connections know that your latest newsletter is available and add a link to its location on your website
- Share great websites eg http://www.quickwinmarketing.com/
Labels: linkedin, Quick Win Digital Marketing, Quick Win Marketing