Contact centre adopts verbal content analytics

Homeserve runs major contact centres helping people with domestic appliance issue (when your washing machines stops working, you call for an engineer, if you have their insurance). One of their challenges is taking lots of telephone calls at the same time.

We received information about how they’re working with a contact centre technology specialist Sabio use a speech analytics solution. This is what they said:

“Since going live, HomeServe’s speech analytics solution has analysed over 1 million customer interactions – enabling the company to help ensure an effortless experience for its customers. This includes identifying repeat call causes and highlighting components of specific customer journeys that require further optimisation.”

The results of this technology mean that they could identify the calls that had above average hold times for customers. By acting on this intelligence, HomeServe has been able to reduce overall hold times by an average of 20 seconds per call. We imagine it will take longer to gain further results and it’s a great way for a traditional business to embrace the latest technology.

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