5 reasons to use Emojis

The use of emojis is growing, Whether you’re using smiley faces :-) or our favourites, little bats ^^^0^^^ the use of these text based symbols is growing.

Here are 5 reasons why should consider emojis in your next campaign.

1. Fastest growing language
Linguistics experts have recently announced Emoji as being the fastest growing language, evolving faster than even ancient languages such as Hieroglyphics. It is believed that many people find it much easier to communicate using the smiley faces and icons of the Emoji instead of actual text, with 8 out of 10 people in the UK using Emjoi’s to communicate and 72% of 18-25 year olds claiming that they find it easier to express themselves using emojis.

2. Emojis change moods
There has even been research conducted into the psychological effect emojis have on our brains when using and receiving them within messages, or seeing them used in social media posts. Scientists have found that when we see a smiley face online it provokes the same reaction within our brains as seeing a real human face, changing our mood and potentially changing our facial expressions to mimic those shown within the message.

3. Seen as emotional communication
Emoticons are processed by the brain as non-verbal communication and are read in the same way as emotional communication which is just as important as the words during an interaction. Emojis are essentially providing the same information that tone of voice or facial expressions and gestures provide during face-to-face and phone conversations.

4. Adds human interaction
When a business or brand markets itself it is essentially communicating its brand messages, products and services to its target audience in a way that is as relevant as possible. Therefore, with emojis becoming ever more popular, and taking into account the closer relation they have to human interaction is it time to start incorporating them into your digital marketing campaigns?

5. Emojis generate followersInstagram believes so and has recently reported that nearly 50% of all captions and comments now have at least one emoji incorporated within them. In fact, use of emojis within social media marketing can actually help to improve your brand social standing and status on the networks. A study found that of accounts with a large amount of followers and a good Klout score had emoji use as a common factor amongst them.

Are you using emojis? How are they working for you? Do let us know on Twitter @evonomie

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