What is Conversion Rate Optimisation?

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) is the practice of using a combination of analytics and feedback to improve the performance and user experience of your website. Your conversion rate is calculated by dividing the total number of conversions by the number of visitors to your website. A conversion is classed as an action that you want your customers to perform, whether it is making a purchase, subscribing to your newsletter or visiting a certain page of your website.

CRO techniques can be used to improve any Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) but are mostly used to acquire new customers, increase sales and attract new members to your database. Employing conversion rate optimisation is a great way of gaining the best return in investment (ROI) when it comes to your website and helps increase your customer numbers without additional costs.

Developing a Conversion Rate Optimisation Strategy

Once you have calculated your website’s conversion rate it is then best to analyse it using an initial set of metrics. Firstly, begin by looking at the bounce rate of your site – how many people leave after visiting just one page? Secondly, take a look at the exit rate and determine which page most people leave your site on and the average amount of time they spend browsing your website. If there are certain pages that keep cropping up when determining the exit rate of your website, this can act as a red flag to warn you of potential user issues on these pages.

A good conversion rate optimisation strategy will also aim to improve the overall user experience of your website. To lay the foundations for this there are a number of areas you should examine, such as general usability and the conversion funnel. The conversion funnel is simply the path that a user takes on your website to achieve the conversion, or goal, you want to measure. So, if you want your visitors to make a purchase, how many pages and clicks does it take for them to reach the checkout page? The conversion funnel should be made as simple as possible so that users do not become frustrated and abandon their journey.

When optimising your website for conversions you should also use A/B testing techniques and user testing to make sure its usability is as easy as possible. Ensure that the website’s graphics are clear and do not obstruct any important information, ensure that your calls to action are suitably placed and easy to see and if operating an ecommerce website, establish whether the checkout process is easy to follow.

Once you have identified any problems users may be encountering on your website you can then begin to rectify these issues, making the site easier and more enjoyable to use.  Using Google Analytics you can also set up goals and funnels metrics to monitor the success of your CRO strategy. A Google analytics goal measures the time it takes for users to complete a specific action on your website, whilst the funnel tracks the pages and clicks they made in order to achieve this goal.

Simplify your conversion rate optimisation

There are a number of online resources and software packages available to help you develop and execute your conversion rate optimisation strategy. Software programs such as Crazy Egg show you a detailed ‘Heat map’ which highlights the most active areas of your website in terms of clicks and engagement. This then allows you to see areas of the site that may be under performing, or calls to action that are being missed or ignored.

Whilst software applications such as Wingify provide an easy way to perform A/B testing in order to “Tweak, optimize & personalize your website and apps with minimal IT help.” With full statistical reports, heat maps and user insights Wingify is a great starting place for those who are new to conversion rate optimisation. 

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