Top 5 Digital Tools to Retain New Customers

Retaining new customers is essential or businesses to thrive. There are many digital tools available and opportunities to retain client. Here are our top 5 digital tools for client retention:

     1.       Loyalty Programmes - Offering some form of reward for spending money with your brand shows you appreciate their loyalty and gives them something back.

     2.       Email Marketing – Personalised offers, brand updates, anything to keep the brand to customer relationship fresh.

     3.     Social Media – Creating a community can help you solve the issues and communicate with your customers on a wide scale and a personal level.

     4.       Customer Service – From the first point of acquisition right through to the aftercare stage, people like to feel like they matter, so good fast and friendly customer service is always a winner.

     5.       Choice and Convenience  - Today’s society is fast paced and used to having everything as and when they want or need it, so offer scheduled delivery slots and plenty of choice to ensure you can keep up with the needs of your customers.

For the full article on Digital Tools to Retain New Customers, click here.
