Top 5 Digital Tools for Converting New Customers

Converting new customers online is not necessarily easier than traditionally, but it does open up a vast amount of new opportunities and tools for conversion. Here are our top 5:

1.     Ratings and Reviews – There is no better people to tell honestly how good your services and products are than your loyal customers, so encourage them to rate and review after purchase.

2.     Payment Options – Make it as fast and easy as possible for people to pay by partnering with popular payment sites such as Paypal and Google Checkout.

3.     Onsite Search – Make finding the information a customer requires as fast and hassle free as possible if you want to ensure a sale.

4.     3rd Party Accreditation/Certification – Much like with reviews and ratings, having an outside body back up the quality of your products and services can be very valuable in aiding customer decisions.

5.     Promotions and Merchandising – If people feel they are getting something more than they would normally for their money or are receiving a special discount they are much more likely to seal the deal there and then.

For the full article on Digital Tools for Converting New Customers, click here.
