Mobile Phone Infographics

Infographics are a great way to visually express key facts and figures about a specific theme. Some of my favourites on mobile phones include those shown here. If I’ve missed any, let me know!

Mobile Phone History: All The Firsts
Created some months ago, the more surprising facts are that the first mobile call was made in 1946 although it took until 1992 until a practical system and mobile devices were widely available.

Evolution of the Mobile Phone
A fun infographic showing the evolution of the first mobile into today’s latest technology and its links to popular culture.

Why Mobile Ads in Emerging Markets are the Future [INFOGRAPHIC]
This gives a world perspective on mobile phone usage, amounts spent on traditional and online marketing and poses the question as to where the revenue for mobile ads will come from in the future.

Majority of Mobile Phone Users Welcome SMS Offers
Based on a YouGov survey, it’s said that 65% of people like offers on their mobile phones. This infographic shows numbers of people liking offers via mobile and from whom.

Mobile Marketing Infographic | How The Mobile Phone Is Being Used 2012
Estimates into future mobile phone growth, this infographic looks at the size of the market and how mobile devices are being used.

Where and When Do Most People Lose Their Phones? [INFOGRAPHIC]
This one is for the fun factor. No great surprises, but most phones are lost at home, when shopping or grabbing a takeaway.

editor - Annmarie Hanlon, @annmariehanlon

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