How to personalise QR codes

Quick Response (QR) codes are a great way of connecting offline marketing to online marketing.   

Traditional advertising is in decline and when you’re reading an advert, looking at a product and need more information, a QR code is the ideal way to drive shoppers to a website, telephone number or address. QR codes are being adopted by more people and the increase in smartphones makes them more accessible.

They can be used on

Where to get your Personalised QR codes fee paid service from £49.99 per code fee paid service from £69.00 per code fee paid service from $35.00 per code

Microsoft has created ‘Tag’ (2012), its own version of a different QR code (which it calls a Tag) and can create a Near Field Communication tag, barcode or mobile code. It’s free and trackable. See ‘What is Tag?’ Microsoft Tag,  

If you want a traditional code try no login and instant code for mobile, address etc which also sells your own QR code as a t-shirt, mug and business card! requires login

editor - Annmarie Hanlon, @annmariehanlon

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