Digital Marketing Qualifications / Course

Are you thinking of studying for a digital marketing qualification or attending a digital marketing course?

Here are some options:

The Diploma in Digital Marketing which is assessed by Assignments and can be studied for by Distance Learning.

The modules covered are:
There is also the CAM Diploma in Managing Digital Media which includes:

For more details see the Oxford College of Marketing website

The Chartered Institute of Marketing’s short courses including:

See the CIM website and the list of courses

Evonomie holds social media courses. Our most popular is the Quick Win Digital Marketing Course based on our book Quick Win Digital Marketing by Annmarie Hanlon and Joanna Akins. It covers Social Networking for Business, is half a day and shares secrets on digital marketing tools and how they can generate business for you.

For more information, contact Evonomie using the email

Want more Quick Wins? Buy the book. Buy the app.
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