Redeeming iTunes Gift Certificates

How do I redeem an iTunes gift certificate?
  1. Open up iTunes on your computer and connect your iPhone
  2. Click on the iTunes Store
  3. Click Redeem (which is on the right hand side under Quick Links)
  4. Scratch off the label on the back of the card to reveal a code
  5. Enter this code in the box
  6. Click on Redeem
  7. Sign in to your account
  8. It will come up with "you have successfully redeemed your iTunes card. Your account has been credited with £X.”
  9. Click on Shop
  10. In the Search Store box at the top search for an app eg Quick Win Marketing
  11. Click on the buy button
  12. This will now show in the applications area of your iTunes page
  13. If the application does not automatically transfer onto your iPhone, go to your iPhone on the left hand menu eg John's iPhone
  14. Click the Applications tab
  15. Select the Sync Applications you want to be on your phone by ticking the boxes
  16. Click on Apply and this will Sync your chosen applications
  17. You will receive an invoice from iTunes – this gives you the opportunity to review the app
If you have purchased the Quick Win Marketing app, please do review it, thank you. Bookmark and Share

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