How do I redeem an iTunes gift certificate?- Open up iTunes on your computer and connect your iPhone
- Click on the iTunes Store
- Click Redeem (which is on the right hand side under Quick Links)
- Scratch off the label on the back of the card to reveal a code
- Enter this code in the box
- Click on Redeem
- Sign in to your account
- It will come up with "you have successfully redeemed your iTunes card. Your account has been credited with £X.”
- Click on Shop
- In the Search Store box at the top search for an app eg Quick Win Marketing
- Click on the buy button
- This will now show in the applications area of your iTunes page
- If the application does not automatically transfer onto your iPhone, go to your iPhone on the left hand menu eg John's iPhone
- Click the Applications tab
- Select the Sync Applications you want to be on your phone by ticking the boxes
- Click on Apply and this will Sync your chosen applications
- You will receive an invoice from iTunes – this gives you the opportunity to review the app
If you have purchased the Quick Win Marketing app, please do review it, thank you.
Labels: itunes gift card, quick win marketing app, voucher