On Friday 22nd January 2010 the first ever Good News Friday will take place. We think this is a brilliant idea - why not get involved?
For one day only Mediaexpress.ie will distribute thousands of news releases for free from Irish businesses, organisations and charities, with just one catch: all the releases must be about something positive.
The sole purpose of Good News Friday is to harness the power of positive thinking to counteract the current gloom. In the midst of the recession many positive news stories are completely ignored because there is so much bad news about.
On 22nd January we would like people to look at their business or organisation, identify some positive news, however small, and send out a positive message to the world about it. So have a think about something good you are working on, and send some postive news to the Irish media for free.
The third week in January is statistically the most depressing of the year. Good News Friday is our way to help people fight the recession head on with some optimism.
1 - You must include this phrase in your news release
‘This message is sent in the spirit of positivity and as part of Good News Friday - a whole day dedicated to good news.’ This will connect all of the releases contributing to the Good News Friday project.
How to participate in Good News Friday
Visit the website http://mediaexpress.ie/good-news-friday.html join and upload your press release
Watch the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXtcmXsg4oM
Contents from - http://www.mediaexpress.ie/
Labels: good news friday, mediaexpress