Forecast for 2009

It’s year of the Ox and also international year of astrology. So we’ve done some crystal ball gazing into the year ahead and the impact and opportunities for businesses. Clients seek greater value While businesses still have money to spend they will think carefully about how and where, they are seeking greater value than before. This doesn’t mean the cheapest option, but it does mean adding more to the offer. Baby boom in September Cold weather, uninspiring TV and people cutting out on entertainment means people stay in more * Businesses selling babywear may want to get creative for the autumn * Now is the time to get into the minds of aunts and uncles Resurgence in traditional skills Cake making and cooking from scratch will reappear as people learn to do without ready-meals and buying things from supermarkets * Local markets should add more value with recipes attached to products sold * Courses in cookery, gardening and DIY may resume popularity Co-branding Sharing exhibition space, sending out joint mailing may become popular with smaller businesses. * Start networking and share your ideas with other local businesses! Direct mail will fall As budgets are squeezed the amount of mail through the door we receive is decreasing. This is at a time where people in some companies have more time to reflect and see what’s happening. * Good opportunity to promote your business via direct mail. Blogging will increase As businesses have time to reflect they may finally join the blogosphere. Major brands have understood the power of blogs for some time, now smaller businesses may start blogging. Overseas holidays will decrease Instead of taking 2 or even 3 holidays a year we may see the development of the ‘staycation’ where people stay at home for their holidays. After a cold start to the year it’s bound to be the hottest summer on record ;-) * Great opportunities for local attractions to encourage local visitors with special offers * Clever businesses will find opportunities to create kits to ‘turn your home into a hotel’
