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Students are seeking work placement. Students from Halmstad Hogskolen University in Sweden are studying Marketing and they are seeking placements. They will come to the UK just for their placement experience, mid-January to mid-May 2009. It is required that the placements will be for a minimum of 2.5 days per week up to a maximum of full-time, for the duration of 4 months. Payment is at the company’s discretion. We currently have 10 students seeking placements. The Business School at University of Worcester will manage the process of communicating placement details to participating students in Halmstad. The University at Halmstad will then identify placements from those provided for each student. Student CVs can then be forwarded to companies offering opportunities in order to match/select a suitable student. If any of your clients are willing to offer a placement opportunity, we would need a short placement description (company, role, tasks and general responsibilities, etc) which can be forwarded to colleagues in Halmstad, who will liaise with the students. If you would like more details, let us know.
