How many online?

We’re trying to find out how many people are online in the UK According to the UK’s National Statistics Office “In 2008, 16 million households in Great Britain (65 per cent) had Internet access. This is an increase of just over 1 million households (7 per cent) over the last year and 5 million households (46 per cent) since 2002. Estimates for Great Britain are provided to give a time series, as UK estimates are not available prior to 2006.” See for the full report. In 2008 that’s 33.9 million adults with net access although figures from the National B2B Centre at their 2008 conference quoted 38.5 million internet users or two-thirds of the UK population. Worldwide there are said to be 1 billion people online with 475 million people online daily of which 35 million are users of social networking sites. This is a 200% increase from last year. 100 million domain names are now in existence and scarily there are only 14% of IP addresses left. The IP system was designed so that there would be enough names – forever.

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