We’re new to the Midlands [that's in the UK!] and are looking for networking groups to join. What can you suggest?
There are plenty of groups around in the area! Ones we’re aware of:
Aston Science Park - www.astonsciencepark.co.uk/forthcoming-events.html
Birmingham Chamber of Commerce - www.birminghamchamber.org.uk/events.aspx
Business Enterprise Works www.businessenterpriseworks.org/events.php
Business Over Breakfast - www.bobclubs.com/club.asp?id=33
Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce - http://www.cw-chamber.co.uk/standardTemplate.aspx/Events
Coventry First - http://www.coventryfirst.co.uk/
Institute of Directors http://www.iod.com/
SucceSS in South Staffordshire http://www.success.uk.net/Labels: groups Midlands UK, networking