I need to write a brief for a research project, what should I include?
There are a number of headings that should be included as follows. Here is an example:
Information on the company that will 'set the scene' for a marketing consultancy. This may include:
- When the business started
- Services offered
- Number of employees
- Turnover
- Market share
- Competitors
- Fees
Project Rationale
- Why the research project is needed - what's happening in the business right now.
- Corporate objectives - what the business wants to achieve - these can be short, medium and long term objectives such as "to increase market share to 5% by 2010 "
Project Objectives
What the business specifically wants the research project to achieve for it eg to identify the most appropriate communication channels between the business and it's existing clients.
Outline of Possible Method / Methodology
How the research could be undertaken:
- Via internal records
- Conducting a client survey
Reporting and Presentation Requirements
How you want the information reported and by when:
- Report format
- Presentation required
- Meeting to discuss findings and recommendations
- Progress reporting
- The anticipated start date, date of progress reports, final meeting
- Programme of work and milestone
- Deadline for submission of proposal
This is not always included, however a rough indication can help the marketing consultancy or researcher with decisions on suitable research methods, eg focus groups
Whether expenses should be included in the total amount and what these are.
Details of where to submit the proposal and to who.Labels: proposal, writing a brief