What Customer Relationship Management software is available?
According to a Keynote Report, Customer Relationship Management 2006, the top CRM systems are:
Oracle (includes Siebel and PeopleSoft) - www.oracle.com
SAP - http://www.sap.com
Microsoft - http://www.microsoft.com/dynamics/default.mspx
SSA Global (Ephiphany) - www.ssaglobal.com
Amdocs - www.amdocs.com
Others includes salesforce.com, Sage - www.sage.com and Open Source software SugarCRM www.sugarcrm.com and EGS by Senokian Solutions http://www.enterprisegroupwaresystem.org/Labels: amdocs, crm, egs, microsoft, oracle, sage, sap, senokian, ssa global, sugar