Business Links up and down the country are changing. They still aim to provide business support and in some cases there may be funding available. In the West Midlands the new system involves going through a diagnostic first.
The diagnostic involves a business advisor who is directly or indirectly employed by Business Link to visit your premises and gather information about the company. This is in order to create a strategic plan towards achieving your goals and objectives. If there are things stopping the business from reaching its objectives, Business Link will help to remove the blocks.
The other reason for the diagnostic is to match up the business capabilities with clients. It takes around 2 to 3 hours and typically this includes:
- Background to business
- Structure of the business
- Vision of the business
- SWOT Analysis
- Number of customers last year and the previous year
- Number of customers lost
- Number of products/services
- Business plan
- Quality Assurance information [not essential]
- Health and Safety information [not essential]
- Any environmental problems
- Rewards system
- Investors in People?
- Financial accounts
- Any other issues
- Short, medium and long-term objectives
- Key success factors – goals and how to reach them
For more details or to see if Business Link can help your business
Business Link West Midlands
Dudley Court South, Waterfront East, Brierley Hill, Dudley, West MidlandsDY5 1XN
Tel: 0845 113 1234
Labels: Business Links, diagnostic